Saturday, March 29, 2008

Aprendimos a quererte - CUBA. coming soon.

Cuba was a riot for the head and the emotions.

So far I still have not managed to transfer my written down thoughts on my trip into a blog post. It was incredible how many ideas, doubts and feelings were provoked on such a short 6 day trip to Havana.

These words seem relevant: of the famous song written by Cuban poet Nicolas Villegen(sp?) about Che Guevara, and sung by many a famous singer:

"Aprendimos a quererte" - We learnt how to love you.

Perhaps in a very short zapped time frame, I learnt a little about Cuba, about how to approach it, love it for all the confusion and sadness and frustration it makes you feel. Aprendí. (I learnt).

1 comment:

Fiona said...

It's been ages since I've checked into your site, sorry Mađdy! Its such a wild ride! I gather you are just back from Cuba, so let's hear about it...
I've been talking to some younger colleagues about their career paths (and yours). Fascinating diversity...I'll email.
